Here is this week's leaderboard!

1st place LFC4Ever won the quiz! - £25.
2nd Place goes to FriendlyFire- £15
3rd place – markmcd1980 pass for next week’s quiz
4th place – AmyMcK Free pass for next week’s quiz
Nobody claimed this week’s mystery prize!! – there was a deliberate spelling mistake in the 1970s round – Bjorn Borg was born in Sweden and not Swedan as I had typed!!
If the winner’s could please drop me a mail and ill get the prizes sorted out!
The LINKS for next weeks quiz will go live from TUESDAY morning!!
Round 1 – Craig David Round
Round 2 – Children’s TV
Round 3 – 21st Century Pop
8 charities were supported directly this week!
Please feel free to send over your suggestions for future rounds you would like to see as well!!
Thanks again for everyone who took the time to take part and please do spread the word about the quiz!!