Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to take part in this week's quiz!
Here is the all important leaderboard!

First of all the winner of the Mystery Prize - Goes to DavieLad for correcting spotting the deliberate spelling mistake in Q15 of Craig David Round. Joe Biden was not spelt correctly!
DavieLad you receive a Free Pass for NEXT WEEK’s QUIZ.
1st place FriendlyFire has won the quiz! - £25.
2nd Place goes to AmyMcK - £15
3rd place markmcd1980 – Free pass for next week’s quiz
4th place Smithsters – Free pass for next week’s quiz
Special shout out to LFC4Ever and DavieLad for winning Rounds 1 and 2 respectively!
If the winner’s could please drop me a mail and ill get the prizes sorted out!
The LINKS for next weeks quiz will go live from TUESDAY morning!!
Round 1 – Craig David (all about the last 7 days)
Round 2 – The 1980s
Round 3 – General Knowledge
ALL 3 Rounds will be 15 questions each.
10 charities were supported directly this week - while the remaining 10 charities will each benefit receiving an equal share of the tickets bought under the SSK Weekly Charity Link. - each receiving £0.53.